The Black Sea Accelerator Training Program is Now Underway!

The Black Sea Accelerator Training Program has officially begun, following a successful launch and kick-off. The program provides participants with a platform to collaborate, learn, and grow their ventures through tailored training, mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to resources and funding. Organized by BRIDGE Black Sea and DOORS Black Sea, the program features expert-led training activities designed to foster innovation and entrepreneurship.

  • Individual Meetings
    In early February of 2024, a series of individual meetings were held between each applicant and the BSA team. These meetings provided applicants with the opportunity to discuss their solutions in detail, receive personalized advice, and gain insights on advancing their ideas. Thirteen applicants benefited from these targeted exchanges, enhancing their business concepts.

  • Training Session 1: From Concept to Execution – Business Model Fundamentals
    The first workshop, held in mid-March, focused on the fundamentals of business modeling. This session facilitated discussions between applicants and trainers through practical exercises, allowing participants to refine their business models.

  • Follow-Up Meetings
    At the end of March, individual follow-up sessions were conducted for applicants seeking further guidance on their business models. These one-on-one meetings enabled ten applicants to fine-tune their business plans following the initial workshop.

  • Training Session 2: Strategic Insights – Mastering Business Planning Essentials
    In mid-April, a training session on business planning was organized. This workshop presented business planning theories, tools, and quizzes, and included a targeted Q&A session to help applicants build robust business plans. The session attracted a dozen participants, providing valuable insights into strategic planning.

  • Training Session 3: The Power of the Pitch – Strategies for Effective Communication
    The BSA team also conducted a workshop on pitching strategies. This session aimed to teach applicants how to pitch their ideas effectively to investors. Through a series of interactive exercises, participants practiced their pitching skills, enhancing their ability to communicate their visions persuasively.

What is next for the BSA? Here are the key steps:

Mid-April: Further workshop on Business Plans
23/24 April: In-person exchanges and matchmaking opportunities in Bucharest, Romania
April/May: Additional support for pitching in large and small groups
April/May: Discussions on funding opportunities
April/May: Online event to launch the Matchmaking platform
May/June: Online pitching and exchanges with investors
May/June: Sectoral talks with stakeholders relevant to the Black Sea
June: Training on using the DOORS SoS platform for business purposes
June onwards: Additional mentoring and other services as needed
16 October: 2nd High Tech Summit for the Black Sea (HTS4BS) in Sofia, Bulgaria

The Black Sea Accelerator Training Program continues to support innovation and entrepreneurship in the region, providing participants with the tools and opportunities needed to succeed.