The BRIDGE-BS project activities include
multidisciplinary, process-oriented ship-based and remote-sensing marine smart observation targeting knowledge gaps on
multistressors and Black Sea-specific features as defined in the SRIA.
The basin-wide expedition covering the southern Black Sea was performed by METU in Dec 2022. The number of process-based studies at the Pilot Sites were performed by the respective partners: multiple samples and data for numerous parameters were collected during the organized summer 2022 cruises (PS1, PS3 and PS7), field survey and seasonal monitoring campaign (PS2), as well as monitoring ecological observation (PS4).
This webpage provides the overview of the observations performed by partners in the first 18 months of the project.
Partner: METU
Period: 12/07/2022 – 12/24/2022
Instruments: ADCP; Bottles; CTD; Dissolved gas sensors; Fluorometers; Plankton nets; Thermosalinograph; Transmissometer (including Secchi disk)
Parameters measured: Physical and chemical parameters, chl, phytoplankton, zooplankton
Cruise location: PS1
Partner: IBER-BAS
Period: 06/15/2022 – 06/30/2022
Parameters measured: Ship-based water column sampling, multiparameter vertical profile measurements, betnhic sediments sampling for macrozoobenhos studies and microplastics analysis, drop camera surveys of benthic ecosystems.
Cruise location: PS2
Partners: GeoEcoMar, NIMRD
Period: 07/30/2022 – 08/03/2022
Instruments: CTD, plankton nets (Juday, van veen grab, multi-corer)
Parameters measured: Chemistry (nutrients), biological samples (chlorophyll, mesozooplankton) macrozoobenthos, biological samples (phytoplankton, chlorophyll a, mesozooplankton, ichtyoplankton, jellyfish, macrozoobenthos), microlitter, sediment pollutants
Cruise location: PS3
Partner: TSU
Period: 06/07/2022
Parameters measured: Physical and chemical parameters, chl, phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos
Cruise location: PS6
Partner: SINOP
Period: 07/24/2022 – 07/26/2022
Instruments: ADCP; Bottles; CTD; Dissolved gas sensors; Fluorometers; Plankton nets; Thermosalinograph; Transmissometer (including Secchi disk)
Parameters measured: physical and chemical parameters, chl, phytoplankton
Cruise location: PS7
Partner: METU
Period: 12/07/2022 – 12/24/2022
Instruments: ADCP; Bottles; CTD; Dissolved gas sensors; Fluorometers; Plankton nets; Thermosalinograph; Transmissometer (including Secchi disk)
Parameters measured: Physical and chemical parameters, chl, phytoplankton, zooplankton
Cruise location: PS1, PS7, Basin Wide