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Summer School 2025: Ocean and Climate: Building Capacity and Developing Skills for a Sustainable Blue Economy

Summer School
10-17 June 2025
National School of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics and the Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy (CoE-SUBE) – EMUNI University.
The summer school is focused on Ocean and Climate: Building Capacity and Developing Skills for a Sustainable Blue Economy. It covers multidisciplinary fields related to the marine and maritime sectors, providing both theoretical insights, practical applications and technological trends. The summerschool is targeted at participants from the Euro-Mediterranean Region, who fulfil the following requirements: • Enrolled in a master’s degree program or holding a master’s degree, a current PhD candidate or holding a PhD • With knowledge of English (level B2 or higher) • A demonstrated interest in the mediterranean region and the theme of sustainable blue economy Tuition fees, travel and accommodation costs will be fully covered for the 30 selected participants. Application deadline: 28 February 11.59 PM (CET)

Bergen Summer Research School

Study Program
10-20 June 2025.
University of Bergen
Bergen Summer Research School is a collaboration between Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Chr. Michelsen Institute, and NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, under the leadership of the University of Bergen. Every summer, this invitation opens for 100 PhD students from around the world to spend ten days with some of Bergen’s top researchers. This summer school offers 5-7 parallel courses and joint sessions tackling some of the global challenges facing the world today.

The Open Sea Lab Hackathon 4.0

Marine Living Resources and Aquaculture
25-27 March 2025
The Open Sea Lab Hackathon 4.0 invites participants to develop impactful solutions using the wealth of EMODnet services spanning pan-European data/data products of the marine environment and human activities at sea. The winners of the hackathon will be showcased at the European Maritime Day 2025 in Cork, Ireland where they will have the opportunity to exhibit, pitch, and network in front of a global marine audience.

Observations Coordination Group Vice Chair: Standards and Best Practices

Deadline: 14 February 2025, 18:00 CET
The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)
GOOS is seeking applications for the position of Vice Chair Standards and Best Practices for its Observation Coordination Group (OCG). The role of the OCG Vice Chair Standards and Best Practices is to promote development of standards and best practices across the ocean observing networks, primarily working with the OCG community of networks, however also liaising across GOOS on best practice development to ensure consistency and alignment in this important area. This Vice Chair role is an active role and requires someone who is experienced in ocean observing and interested in evolving the development, recognition and use of standards and best practices across the ocean observing system. The goal is to provide the standards and best practices framework to assure the standardisation of practices and traceability of ocean data, so that the quality of systems and resulting data are maintained at the highest possible levels of quality.

Open call to become an EMB Ambassador

Application deadline: 02 February 2025
European Maritime Board (EMB)
EMB is looking for two enthusiastic, engaged, and creative early career marine scientists to join the EMB Ambassador Programme. The Ambassadors will play an important role in advocating for EMB and promoting the societal and political relevance of all aspects of the Ocean and marine sciences, including natural sciences, social sciences, policy, and humanities, within their own communities, and to a wide diversity of stakeholders in Europe. The two new Ambassadors will collaborate and liaise with EMB current Ambassadors and recent Alumni to share experiences and ideas, and work on activities together. They will also ensure the continuation of the EMB ECOP Network.

Call for Project-Based PhD Positions at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, BAS

Study Program
Application Deadline: February 13, 2025
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) is accepting applications for Project-Based PhD Positions. The topics include innovative and relevant fields, including the Blue Economy. Research topics Include: - Industry 5.0 and the twin transition - Digitalization, blue and green transition - Artificial intelligence and its impact on the labor market - European policies and innovation ecosystems Key Details: - Minimum 36 months of training - Employment contract with monthly remuneration - Opportunity to participate in impactful research For More Information: Visit the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology – BAS website for full details on topics, application procedures, and requirements. 📞 Contact: Mariela Todorova | +359 888 40 90 56 ✉️ Email: [email protected] This is a great opportunity to engage in meaningful research and contribute to addressing contemporary challenges.

Brilliant Marine Research Idea grants

Marine Living Resources and Aquaculture, Maritime Transport, Coastal & Maritime Tourism, Marine Renewable Energy, Blue Bio-Technology
Study Program
Application deadline 17th January 2025
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)
Every year, The Sea as Good Cause awards Brilliant Marine Research Idea (BMRI) grants with the aim of inspiring and supporting PhD students and young postdocs to realise a brilliant idea in the context of their marine research. The grant focuses on out-of-the-box thinking, developing an additional research topic framed within the scientist's current personal research field. A BMRI grant is worth EUR 5.000. Marine research is the field where innovation from science and industry reinforce each other, which is why companies are invited to sponsor a BMRI grant.

Sustainable Coastal Growth and Resilience – The First Course of the Coastal Resilience School

Marine Living Resources and Aquaculture, Maritime Transport, Coastal & Maritime Tourism
Study Program
27 January – 11 April 2025
Decade Collaborative Center for Coastal Resilience
This hybrid course is designed for early-career professionals, scientists, consultants, and environmental agency representatives eager to address today’s critical coastal resilience challenges. Combining rigorous theory with practical applications, the course offers a comprehensive 10-week virtual phase followed by an in-person workshop in Bertinoro, Italy (April 7–11, 2025). Participants will gain advanced knowledge and hands-on experience, equipping them with tools and strategies to enhance coastal resilience in real-world contexts. The course is free of charge, with travel and accommodation covered by the Decade Collaborative Centre for Coastal Resilience.

Final Event of the CHAlleNGE 4S Project “Future Skills in Shipbuilding”

Maritime Transport
Study Program
03 December 2024
Mare FVG
The event “Future Skills in Shipbuilding: Presentation of the Training Catalogue and Implementation Strategies of the CHAlleNGE 4S Project” will be held on 3 December 2024, from 9:30 to 13:00, at the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce in Brussels, Rue de la Loi 24, and streamed online. This event provides an important opportunity to share the results achieved by CHAlleNGE 4S, a project coordinated by mareFVG and funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Program.

IMAM 2025 20th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean

Maritime Transport
village Platanias, near to the Chania town in Crete
September 28 – October 3, 2025
International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM)
The 20th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, the IMAM 2025 Congress will be held at the seaside village Platanias, near to the Chania town in Crete, between September 28 and October 3, 2025. The aim of the IMAM 2025 Congress is to provide a forum for academics, entrepreneurs and maritime professionals for presenting their novel works and fostering new collaborations in the fields of maritime engineering and marine technology. The organising committee will be happy to generate the atmosphere where all participants can share their new ideas, expertise and experience. Full paper submission of accepted abstracts is open until November 30th.