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Multidisciplinary Internship Opportunities

Marine Living Resources and Aquaculture, Maritime Transport, Coastal & Maritime Tourism, Marine Renewable Energy, Blue Bio-Technology, Others
Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation
Researchers, young graduates, students and volunteers with a background in science or communications are welcome to join the Archipelagos team on the Aegean islands! Here you will have the opportunity to take part in multidisciplinary field research and high-priority conservation projects, collecting data and supporting the work of our research teams, while enriching your knowledge and improving practical skills. Participants gain valuable field research experience on key fields of marine and terrestrial conservation, while at the same time contributing directly towards the protection of the unique marine ecosystems of the Aegean. All internships are geared at developing your leadership, independent research and study skills, allowing you to develop a variety of abilities, which can improve your future job prospects.

New Master Programs on Maritime Sectors

Maritime Transport
Study Program
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Master program: INTEGRATED MARITIME POLICY Master program: PORT AND SHIP OPERATIONS Master program: PORT MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS Objectives of the programs: The main goal of the education is to train highly qualified policy makers/engineering personnel and policy driven personnel, to acquire knowledge and skills of specialists, ready to participate in the port management, or join business or governmental organisations with activities related to blue economy. Realization opportunities: The realization of the graduates of the program can be both in the private and in the public sector – public authorities, international bodies, administrations, agencies and enterprises related to the blue economy as highly qualified experts, consultants, specialists, managers and researchers. Graduates of the specialty are ready to successfully practice research and teaching activities in higher education institutions and universities, as well as in the system of secondary profiled education.

M.Sc. in International Shipping, Finance, and Management

Maritime Transport
Study Program
Deadline for Applications: 9 June 2023
Athens University of Economics and Business
The Interdepartmental MSc in International Shipping, Finance and Management (ISFM) comprises a unique combination of the three knowledge areas, which are essential for those employed or are interested to find work in the International Shipping industry. This is achieved through a modern, well-structured program, which combines reading of the international literature, laboratory classes, case studies, workshops, teaching, visits to companies and an academic dissertation aimed at enhancing research skills. The academic members of staff involved in the program are producing highly pioneering research in their respective fields of study. Business executives are also invited as keynote speakers in the program. All the above are disseminated in the curricula of the course units to make up a distinct educational program.

Training Course on Regional Ocean Governance

Study Program
Deadline for Applications: 2nd June 2023
IOI in Malta
The IOI Malta Training Course on Regional Ocean Governance, an accredited course equivalent to 15 ECTS, will be offered once again in person, jointly by the IOI and the University of Malta from the 6th November - 7th December 2023.

SDG Coordinator (2023 – 2024 Cohort), SDG Students Program

Study Program
SDSN Youth
SDG Coordinators support SDSN Youth’s mandate by working in SDSN member universities around the world to mobilize university students around the SDGs. SDG Coordinators operate under the SDG Students Program, which runs a global network of SDG Student hubs at universities to nurture effective lifelong advocates for sustainable development in their local and global communities. As SDG Coordinator, you will become our representative and key mobiliser who run an SDG Student Hub with support from the SDG Students Program. Coordinators work to ensure that all students in their university/campus are aware of the SDGs, understand their importance to the wider community, and have opportunities to take action towards their implementation.

Field-based Research Course on Hydrothermal Systems and the Potential Impacts of Mineral Mining

Marine Living Resources and Aquaculture, Marine Renewable Energy
Study Program
14.10.2023 – 24.10.2023
University of Bergen
In this course, we want to provide students with research experience at the hydrothermal system of Milos (Greece). This hydrothermal system is a shallow analogue to deep sea vents, and an ideal place for students to be trained in systemic hydrothermal investigation. Students with background in marine geophysics, macrobiology, geomicrobiology and geochemistry will work together to achieve an understanding of the system, how minerals are formed and how to assess the potential environmental impact of exploiting these resources. You will be involved with actively contested questions, empirical observation, cutting-edge technologies, and the sense of excitement that comes from working to answer important questions. By the end of this course, students will have learned the process of thorough and rigorous scientific investigation, including result presentation and discussion.

Taxonomy of Marine Flora master training

Marine Living Resources and Aquaculture, Blue Bio-Technology
Study Program
03.07.2023 – 21.07.2023
Sorbonne University
This master degree summer course is a hands-on introduction to marine plants with an emphasis on seaweeds. It trains you to recognise and identify the typical marine algae in various coastal habitats. The organisms are studied in their environment during field trips, and also in vivo back at the laboratory. These studies form the foundation from which the main issues in the systematics, biology, ecology and evolution of marine flora are addressed.

Minor in Environmental Management

Marine Renewable Energy
Study Program
01.09.2023 – 31.12.2025
University of Lisbon
Environment and the quest for good environmental performance and sustainability are increasingly more important for a growing number of organizations and products/services. Environmental management, in particular, the one that seeks high levels of performance and basic environmental processes (environmental sustainability or strong sustainability , which ensures integrity of essential environmental processes), is an increasingly relevant cross-cutting skill. The Minor in Environmental Management ensures a coherent number of skills in environmental management, which are applied to organizations, products, services and material fluxes, waste, energy, carbon, water. It also deals with different business ecosystems.

Marine Geosciences (Single-Subject Master’s Degree)

Marine Living Resources and Aquaculture, Maritime Transport, Coastal & Maritime Tourism, Marine Renewable Energy, Blue Bio-Technology
Study Program
University of Kiel
Exploring resources in the sea, researching geodynamic processes, securing the coasts or the connection between the global climate and the ocean system: the marine geosciences at Kiel University (CAU) combine this wide range of research questions.

Master in River Delta Development

Marine Living Resources and Aquaculture, Maritime Transport, Coastal & Maritime Tourism, Marine Renewable Energy, Blue Bio-Technology
Study Program
HZ, Van Hall Larenstein and Rotterdam University
The English-taught master River Delta Development is a unique joint degree offered by three universities of applied sciences with complementing expertise in the field of water. The three universities of applied sciences are: HZ University of Applied Sciences (coastal regions), Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (river systems), and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (urban water).